


联合山肯定会让我成功. 我不仅得到了必要的资源, 包括一个漂亮的音乐设施, 一支知识渊博、才华横溢的音乐系, 还有各种各样的音乐课, but the degree track is also specifically designed to get me hands on experience!






因为我姐姐我才知道了联合山, 加布里埃尔的22, also applied here during the college search process and ended up choosing to attend. I then had the opportunity to visit campus a couple of times, and after meeting the music faculty and getting a sense of the "homey" feel of Mount Union, 我也很兴奋地决定去参加! I received the Presidential Scholarship for a full tuition ride to attend Mount Union. I went through an essay and interview process during my senior of high school, 能获得这样的荣誉,我非常激动! 第一个建议 我会给那些选择大学的人, and probably the most important, is to make sure to visit campus. Whether it is getting a tour or sitting in on a class you might eventually take, 对环境有个感觉是很重要的. While a place may sound amazing on paper or in all of your online research, you never know how you actually will feel until you have spent time at the school yourself. Also, try to pick schools that have strong programs in multiple subject areas that interest you. Many students end up switching their majors during their time at college, 这是完全可以接受的! 然而, it's important that you are able to switch degree tracks without having completely change schools.



我选择音乐教育作为我的专业有多方面的原因. I come from a very musical family, and I have been around music for all of my life. It truly has become my passion; often nothing brings me more joy than singing. I also had many teachers and mentors throughout my life that have inspired me to love music, 努力提高自己的音乐能力, 培养我的激情,分享我的才华. I chose the music education track specifically because I want to be able to ignite this passion within students of future generations, and I hope to be an inspiration for many of them as my teachers were for me. 



I look forward to having hands-on opportunities in the future, 我们终于度过了COVID-19大流行. 然而, 作为一个音乐教育专业的学生, I have been able to begin taking instrumental methods classes, and my peers and I have actually been playing brass instruments in class, 一周两次. I am really thankful for the chance to have this kind of hands-on learning, because simply reading about each instrument is not nearly the same as being able to learn to play! There is no doubt in my mind that the Integrative Core at Mount Union will make me a more rounded person by the time I get to the professional level. I am absolutely ecstatic to be a part of this program because I recognize the necessity of learning 关于人文、艺术和科学. Instead of just taking algebra or physics to fulfill a general education credit, at Mount Union we are able to take classes that teach us about human thought, 理解, 和表达. These classes help us better understand ourselves, other people, and the world around us. 这也适用于我们的工作环境! I will feel confident when interacting with others in my field and be able to utilize my knowledge from my many classes outside of my music major track to understand situations in life that I will have to deal with. 



My ultimate career goal is to be a choir director at a high school or 大学和 be able to inspire and share my deep passion for music with my students, 希望能改变他们的生活. 联合山肯定会让我成功. 我不仅得到了必要的资源, 包括一个漂亮的音乐设施, 一支知识渊博、才华横溢的音乐系, 还有各种各样的音乐课, but the degree track is also specifically designed to get me hands on experience! In my final semester, I will have the chance to be a student-teacher every day in a classroom! I am also gaining experience as part of an ensemble through participation in choirs, bands, 还有戏剧作品. 我非常感谢音乐节目, 综合核心项目, 荣誉课程, and everything else that Mount Union is providing to set me up for success!